Inside the Santa Maria Novella railway station in Florence, the historic Panella bakery chain renews its look relying on the uniqueness of Dreamet’s materials.
For this project, Dreamet proposes the Miraggio finish on copper.
The presence of opper recalls the material impact of the anthracite slabs and at the same time the decoration matches the texture of the wooden panels, thus creating a link between the materials that gives continuity to the covering surfaces.
The soft lines and the warm colours of the Miraggio finish contribute to making the environment cosy and welcoming, and the glossy material enhances the lively spirit of the room.
The different directions of the vertically and horizontally oriented finish follow the comings and goings of the people arriving at and leaving the station; the composition is as dynamic as the context in which it is set.
All Dreamet finishes are realized with an innovative and ecological patented method