Dreamet S.r.l. is proud to be the official sponsor of the Onirica Film Festival, an international event sponsored by the municipality of La Spezia, Italy. Guest star and godmother of the evening will be the italian actress, Ekaterina Buscemi, who will preside over the stage and the awards ceremony with the artistic jury.
Onirica Film Festival is a tribute to cinema that places independent film makers and experimental cinema at the center of its attention, driven by the desire to know artistic interdisciplinary correlations between technical pictorial development and the digital world.
O.F.F., at its first edition, offers to participants a broad, multifaceted and fascinating theme: the world of dreams.
At Dreamet we are proud to support and sponsor this innovative initiative: our metals combine tradition and innovation, are produced with circular economy criteria and a focus on ecology and sustainability, a very topical issue also in the world of cinema.
By the way, the “dream” theme of the O.F.F is our mission: to bring your dreams into metal!